MAF テストとレースパフォーマンス(5km Race)の関係
MAF テストとレースパフォーマンス(5km Race)の関係
I have long observed a relationship in competitive endurance runners between their MAF test results and their competitive times. I observed this relationship by analyzing data from several hundred MAF times and race results of healthy and fit runners competing in races between 5K and 10K over a five-year period. For example, a runner with a MAF test time of 8 minutes per mile should complete an average 5K race in just over 20 minutes, averaging about 6 minutes, 30 seconds per mile. This relationship can be considered one between maximum aerobic function (8 minutes per mile) and maximum anaerobic function (6 minutes, 30 seconds per mile). The chart below compares first-mile MAF test times with 5K average mile times for road races in healthy and fit athletes.
私は長い間、MAFテストの結果と競争時間の間に競争力のあるランナーの関係を観察してきました。 私はこの関係を、数百回のMAF時間からのデータと、5年間で5Kから10Kのレースに出場する健康でフィットしたランナーのレース結果を分析することによって観察しました。 たとえば、MAFテスト時間が1マイルあたり8分であるランナーは、平均5Kレースを20分強で完了し、平均は1マイルあたり約6分30秒です。 この関係は、最大の有酸素機能(1マイルあたり8分)と最大の無酸素機能(6分、1マイルあたり30秒)の間の関係と考えることができます。 以下のグラフは、健康でフィットしたアスリートのロードレースにおける、1マイルのMAFテスト時間と5Kの平均マイル時間を比較しています。
If your results don’t match these expected results, the possibility of a structural, chemical, or mental imbalance should be considered. Take, for example, a runner with a MAF test time of 9 minutes per mile who runs a 5K race in 19 minutes, averaging just over 6 minutes per mile. This MAF test time of 9 minutes is expected to produce an average 5K race time of about 21 minutes, 45 seconds, or an average of about 7 minutes per mile. Instead, this athlete averages nearly a minute faster than expected. While this may appear to be a positive result, it is attained at the expense of some significant stress. This imbalance is not an uncommon one; such an imbalance often precedes a structural, chemical, or mental injury and typically represents an overtraining state.
Similarly, a runner whose first-mile MAF test time is 6 minutes 30 seconds is expected to finish a 5K race in 16 minutes 19 seconds. An actual time of 18 minutes would signal some imbalance. Perhaps the runner has some structural, chemical, or mental/emotional stress. A number of muscle imbalances could cause the slower time, or the problem might be nutritional (low nutrient intake), disturbing energy production. Or perhaps the runner was not mentally capable of “pushing” his or her body to its maximum potential.
同様に、1マイルのMAFテスト時間が6分30秒のランナーは、5Kレースを16分19秒で完了すると予想されます。 18分の実際の時間は、ある程度の不均衡を示します。おそらく、ランナーには構造的、化学的、または精神的/感情的なストレスがあります。多くの筋肉の不均衡が原因で時間が長くなる可能性があります。または、問題は栄養素(栄養素の摂取量が少ない)で、エネルギー生産を妨げている可能性があります。あるいは、ランナーは精神的に自分の体をその最大の可能性まで「押す」ことができませんでした。
The same type of data have not been collected for sports such as cycling or triathlon, since these races are too variable. But it can be assumed that the same relationships exist in cycling, triathlons, swimming, and even in sports such as tennis, basketball, hockey, and those that involve endurance. Improvement in performance almost always accompanies improvement in the MAF test results. The use of a heart monitor can help you take the guesswork out of your exercise program. By glancing at your wrist watch, you can make sure that you don’t exceed your maximum aerobic heart rate, assuring that you develop your fat-burning aerobic system. More importantly, the MAF test can help plot your progress and warn you of any regression in your program. In addition, this test can help you prevent overtraining and injuries.